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Tag Archives: Washington DC (USA)

Biden’s America Splinters over Cuba

Joe Biden was elected president of the United States on a platform of unifying the country through bipartisanship, but political divisions over the US policy on Cuba have revealed a major challenge to his message of national unity.

Progressives Demand Biden Go Big for Green New Deal

Progressives elected to the US Congress joined grassroots climate action leaders from across the country on Thursday at a rally outside the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters in Washington DC, demanding that President-Elect Joe Biden “be brave” and work to pass a bold agenda aimed at combating the climate crisis.

Scientists Alarmed Over Iceless Arctic Sea

Climate scientists and activists responded with alarm to reporting that this is the latest date in recorded history that the main nursery of Arctic sea ice in Siberia has yet to start freezing, another example of the present-day consequences of human-caused global warming.