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Tag Archives: Yemen

Vaccine Equity Activists Denounce Pfizer

Health equity campaigners have called for a fairer system of developing and distributing Covid medications after pharmaceutical company Pfizer announced record second-quarter revenue, more than half of which is attributable to sales of coronavirus vaccines and treatments that remain out of reach for much of the global south.

Bernie Sanders Praises Efforts to End Yemen War

US Senator Bernie Sanders was among those welcoming the White House announcement that the United States will limit its role in the Saudi-led war on Yemen by ending support for “offensive operations,” with the Vermont Independent calling the development “a tribute to the work of so many activists over the years.”

Biden Freezes US Arms Sales to Saudis

Many Democrats in the US Congress and others hailed reports that the Biden administration is imposing a temporary freeze on arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, pending a review of billions of dollars worth of weapons deals with the repressive regimes approved during the presidency of Donald Trump.

UN Officials Fear Global Humanitarian Crisis in 2021

Top United Nations officials have called on nearly two hundred member nations—including the world’s wealthiest and most powerful—to help raise tens of billions of dollars in aid for poor countries facing pandemic, ongoing war, and encroaching famine in what will be a “humanitarian crisis year” in 2021.