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Tag Archives: United States

“Moral Clarity” and Nikki Haley’s Neoconservative Militarism

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has adopted “moral clarity” as one of her leading slogans in her quest to gain the Republican nomination for president. This is a key intellectual concept behind the neoconservative movement which reached a peak under the presidency of George W. Bush; it is effectively a coded call to embrace a forever war in pursuit of US global primacy.

Oxfam Reports on Babies Dying in Besieged Gaza

Oxfam, a British-led confederation of charitable organizations, reports that many babies are dying from “preventable causes” in the Gaza Strip due to the Israeli blockade of food, water, and other supplies, as well as the massive bombing campaign, which has uprooted most of the territory’s nearly 2.4 million inhabitants.

Israel Lobby Aims to Eliminate Progressive Lawmakers

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the main pro-Israel lobbying group in the United States, is reportedly gearing up an effort to entirely eliminate progressive lawmakers from the House of Representatives in the 2024 election cycle with over US$100 million in planned spending.