Saudi Foreign Minister Al-Jubeir
Dr. Adel Al-Jubeir, Saudi Foreign Minister, addresses Japanese journalists in Tokyo on September 2, 2016. Topics included diplomatic issues with Syria and Iran.
Dr. Adel Al-Jubeir, Saudi Foreign Minister, addresses Japanese journalists in Tokyo on September 2, 2016. Topics included diplomatic issues with Syria and Iran.
Protesters march as part of Black Lives Matter movement in Tokyo on August 6, 2016.
Donald Trump’s comments about the potential need for the United States to retract its responsibility to defend Japan helps conservative Japanese politicians bolster this East Asian nation’s military posture.
Host Michael Penn interviews scholar Nancy Snow about the persuasive techniques of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
Host Michael Penn interviews professor Christopher Hobson to discuss the concept and potential threat of terrorism.
The ruling party makes belated and unconvincing efforts to legislate against the rise of hate speech.
A recent attempt by the Liberal Democratic Party to brand the Japan Communist Party as violent has sparked a new debate on the political history of Japan, but it seems to be primarily a cynical political ploy.
Host Michael Penn interviews journalist and book author Tim Hornyak and learns about the development and purposes of drones.
Host Michael Penn interviews columnist and book author Baye McNeil about the meaning and significance of Black History.
Host Michael Penn interviews journalist and book author Tim Hornyak and learns why the Japanese really love their robots.