Visible Minorities: It Can Only End in Violence
We have an American president who has declared himself king while the legislative branch abdicates its oversight powers, and the judiciary grants immunity.
We have an American president who has declared himself king while the legislative branch abdicates its oversight powers, and the judiciary grants immunity.
What happened was less a matter of support for Trump and more a worldwide repudiation of incumbents.
How being bad became a sales point in choosing a US political leader
Include foreign residents as part of the official Japan population and give us official data for just how diverse Japan actually is.
While it is on dubious legal and sometimes factual ground, Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s “Operation Lone Star” looks to be a political winner in 2024, causing headaches for US Democrats both at the national and local levels.
The Toyota Motor Company recently found itself in the political hot seat after it emerged that it was the No. 1 financial donor to US Republican politicians who had refused to certify the 2020 election victory of Joe Biden.
Thomas Frank, author of “What’s the Matter with Kansas,” joins Paul Jay to answer the question: “why was this election even close”?
Abby Martin, host of The Empire Files, and Paul Jay discuss how working people and the left should respond to the presidential election.
Repeating his desire for a winner to be declared on the night of November 3, US President Donald Trump told reporters that he doesn’t “believe” tallying votes for weeks after Election Day is lawful, a remark observers interpreted as yet another open signal of the president’s intention to challenge the counting of legally submitted ballots.
Eric Blanc of Jacobin magazine fears a US corporate Democrat repeat of the 2000 elections when Al Gore refused to fight once the Supreme Court gave the election to George W. Bush.