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Tag Archives: Shingetsu News Agency

Trump Tax March in Tokyo

Americans march in Tokyo to demand the release of Donald Trump’s tax returns and transparency in US policymaking. One of the key organizers, Jesse Glickstein, speaks to the Shingetsu News Agency.

Japan Arab Day 2017

Japan Arab Day 2017 at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo. Guests included Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, and Komeito leader Natsuo Yamaguchi.

Remilitarizing Japanese Universities

Japanese academics and scientists argue that the Abe government is in the process of shifting the nation’s university system and its industry from a footing of peace and consumerism toward the re-formation of a military-industrial complex, which will make the society increasingly dependent on arms exports and foreign wars.

Trump, Cruz, and Shinzo Abe’s Constitutionalism

Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been making waves with radical policy notions from the day he announced his run for his party’s nomination. He took this to a whole new level on August 16 when he released a five-page report entitled, “Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again.” Briefly noted within a subsection called—ironically enough—“Defend The Laws And Constitution Of The United States,” Trump called for “ending birthright citizenship.”

Under Surveillance in Tokyo

The first sign that something was amiss occurred at Tokyo Disneyland. Hassan was at a ride with his three young boys when he noticed a man who seemed out of place. The man was a tall, clean-cut Japanese man, perhaps in his mid-30s, who was all alone at a location where everyone else had children. Why was an adult man hanging out at a children’s ride? Hassan thought it was strange, but he says that it was from that day forward that his life took a change for worse.