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Tag Archives: Russia

Kurt Campbell’s Grand Miscalculations

Kurt Campbell, the Biden administration’s National Security Council Coordinator for the Indo-Pacific, is the “brain” behind much of what the Pentagon and US State Department are doing in East Asia today, but his policy approaches do not correspond with the realities of a global US empire now in rapid decline.

Anti-Chinese Techno-Racism in Japan

In what may prove to be an escalating problem in Japan, young Chinese looking for employment in small startups and technology-related firms appear to be facing a wall of suspicion and sometimes outright racism.

Shadow Banning the Independent News Media

Major social media companies are increasingly strangling independent news media with subtle shadow banning practices which threaten free speech and the flow of information vital to maintain democratic systems of government.

Scientists Alarmed Over Iceless Arctic Sea

Climate scientists and activists responded with alarm to reporting that this is the latest date in recorded history that the main nursery of Arctic sea ice in Siberia has yet to start freezing, another example of the present-day consequences of human-caused global warming.