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Tag Archives: Makoto Saito

Kiichiro Hiranuma and the Three Foreign Policy Shocks

In 1939, rightwing ideologue Kiichiro Hiranuma came to power, but he refrained from attempting to institute any major policy changes. However, he soon presided over a series of disasters, each of which clearly indicated that Japan’s military-led foreign policy had miscalculated fundamental realities.

Keisuke Okada and the Junior Officers’ Uprising

From 1934-1936, Keisuke Okada became the second consecutive moderate admiral to serve as prime minister, though on a weaker political footing than his predecessor. Still, he managed to stay on top of the situation until Imperial Army radicalism led to a violent uprising by junior officers.

Makoto Saito and Withdrawal from the League of Nations

From 1932-1934, Admiral Makoto Saito served as prime minister, ending political party rule but nevertheless trying to steer a relatively moderate path. In foreign policy, however, his administration continued to antagonize the West, including through Japan’s withdrawal from the League of Nations.