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Tag Archives: Joe Biden

Biden’s America Splinters over Cuba

Joe Biden was elected president of the United States on a platform of unifying the country through bipartisanship, but political divisions over the US policy on Cuba have revealed a major challenge to his message of national unity.

Japan Offers Reputation Laundering to Rahm Emanuel

The list of moral and political reasons why Rahm Emanuel should not be appointed ambassador to Japan are more than a few, but at the very top of the list is that serving in Tokyo could offer him an excellent opportunity to rehabilitate his reputation, ensuring that this bad actor will return to more influential offices in the future.

United States Urged to End “Forever Wars”

The US Congress and President Joe Biden are facing fresh pressure to end “forever wars” abroad and to pursue a US foreign policy that is “consistent with the nation’s legal, human, and civil rights obligations, and the moral authority that the United States has long claimed on these issues.”