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Tag Archives: Fox News

The Evolution of Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson has been evolving into someone whose foreign policy views now run parallel with some tenets of the anti-imperialist left, even if his conclusions have sprung from a different intellectual and moral path.

Anti-Vax Olympians Sending Unwelcome Message

For most of the world, the Olympic Games serve as a point for celebration and national unity. This time, however, many Japanese are gripped by worries about how the Games may serve to intensify the pandemic, and the fact that some of these athletes are promoting anti-vaccination ideology only deepens these concerns.

Fascists Would Win a New US Civil War

Since the 1990s, US society has been drawing into two broad camps, which for simplicity’s sake we will call the Reds and the Blues. This year, the polarization between them has reached a new level of passion and intensity. If this polarization descends entirely into a civil war—and the November 2020 elections could very well be a trigger for such a scenario—history suggests that the initial victory would be decisively in favor of the Red fascists.

The WHO Chief is a Political Hack

The Covid-19 crisis has elevated the visibility of the World Health Organization (WHO) as never before. Indeed, this may be the very first time that a bureaucratic agency of the United Nations, not the Security Council or General Assembly, has become a focus of global media attention. It is quite unfortunate, then, that the WHO’s main face at this crucial juncture has turned out to be a political hack.