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Tag Archives: Donald Trump

The Costs of the Shinzo Abe Legacy

It was exactly a month ago today that Shinzo Abe was assassinated in Nara by 41-year-old Tetsuya Yamagami. As the passions of that event begin to settle, this is an opportune occasion to reconsider both the benefits and the costs of an administration which lasted longer than any other in Japanese history.

Disarming the Alt-Right Threat

As the Western alt-right continues to gain traction, internet humor is proving a useful instrument in hiding the community’s more sinister beliefs and intentions. But why are these extremists using simple cartoon images and jokes for some of their primary indoctrination and radicalization methods?

Kurt Campbell’s Grand Miscalculations

Kurt Campbell, the Biden administration’s National Security Council Coordinator for the Indo-Pacific, is the “brain” behind much of what the Pentagon and US State Department are doing in East Asia today, but his policy approaches do not correspond with the realities of a global US empire now in rapid decline.

Japan Can’t Say No to US Weapons Systems

Recent revelations regarding the Japanese government’s purchase of US military drones underlines the East Asian nation’s unwillingness to refuse the “requests” of their US allies as they relate to the acquisition of weapons systems.

Shadow Banning the Independent News Media

Major social media companies are increasingly strangling independent news media with subtle shadow banning practices which threaten free speech and the flow of information vital to maintain democratic systems of government.

APA Hotel Amenities Not Always Pleasant

Ahead of Donald Trump’s second visit to Japan in 2019, a Japanese hotelier invited the US president’s former chief strategist and senior advisor Steve Bannon to give a “special lecture” in Tokyo. That hotelier’s name is Toshio Motoya.