South Korea Folds Under US Pressure
A roundup of the most significant news stories from Japan reported in the last half of November 2019.
A roundup of the most significant news stories from Japan reported in the last half of November 2019.
Tokyo General Union President Hifumi Okunuki outlines an important legal battle over paid leave and workers’ rights in Japan.
A roundup of the most significant news stories from Japan reported in the last half of October 2019.
A roundup of the most significant news stories from Japan reported in the second half of September 2019.
Hating hate speech isn’t the same as agreeing that it should be regulated under the law.
A roundup of the most significant news stories from Japan reported in the first half of August 2019.
Since Shinzo Abe stormed back into power in December 2012, he and his Liberal Democratic Party have been able to count upon Japanese millennials as a steady and reliable support base. But the Liberal Democratic Party espouses stances on a variety of issues which run directly counter to millennials’ interests, hopes and beliefs.
A roundup of the most significant news stories from Japan reported in the first half of August 2019.
Between 2012 and 2018, I wrote a monthly column called “Labor Pains” for the Japan Times. I have left Japan Times. I am so delighted to begin a new column this month called “Bread and Roses” for the Shingetsu News Agency.
A roundup of the most significant news stories from Japan reported in the second half of July 2019.