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Tag Archives: Asia

Explained! Yasukuni Shrine

Yasukuni Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in central Tokyo. It is the most controversial Shinto religious institution in Japan. It was founded in 1869 to honor those who died fighting for the Emperor in war.

The Costs of the Shinzo Abe Legacy

It was exactly a month ago today that Shinzo Abe was assassinated in Nara by 41-year-old Tetsuya Yamagami. As the passions of that event begin to settle, this is an opportune occasion to reconsider both the benefits and the costs of an administration which lasted longer than any other in Japanese history.

Gaslighting the Status Quo in the Taiwan Strait

Western nations have recently taken up a mantra that claims they will never allow “changes to the status quo by force,” but when it comes to the dangerous crisis in the Taiwan Strait, it’s not entirely clear that all Western commentators even understand what the diplomatic “status quo” is all about.

Kurt Campbell’s Grand Miscalculations

Kurt Campbell, the Biden administration’s National Security Council Coordinator for the Indo-Pacific, is the “brain” behind much of what the Pentagon and US State Department are doing in East Asia today, but his policy approaches do not correspond with the realities of a global US empire now in rapid decline.