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Progressives Demand Biden Go Big for Green New Deal

Progressives elected to the US Congress joined grassroots climate action leaders from across the country on Thursday at a rally outside the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters in Washington DC, demanding that President-Elect Joe Biden “be brave” and work to pass a bold agenda aimed at combating the climate crisis.

Red Cross Warns Climate Threat Bigger Than Covid

“The Covid-19 pandemic has shown how vulnerable the world is to a truly global catastrophe. But another, bigger catastrophe has been building for many decades, and humanity is still lagging far behind in efforts to address it.” So begins Come Heat or High Water, the 2020 World Disasters Report published Tuesday by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

Forced Labor in the Taiwanese Fishing Fleet

Activists have long called attention to the abusive working conditions that fishermen from Southeast Asia are subjected to aboard Taiwanese-owned fishing boats. Their campaign to improve life for the migrant workers has been boosted by recent moves by the United States to classify fish from Taiwan as a product of forced labor.

Public Development Banks Funding Fossil Fuel Industry

CD (Portland) — Climate and social justice campaigners have labeled a global summit bringing together over 450 public development banks a missed opportunity of historic proportions after the gathering concluded with no commitment to stop funding fossil fuel projects. “There is no excuse for the