Playful Pup Prevents Pandemic Panic
Taiwan’s pandemic success is faltering, but the Health Ministry’s spokesdog can do no wrong.
Taiwan’s pandemic success is faltering, but the Health Ministry’s spokesdog can do no wrong.
The government of Victoria, Australia, is offering a cash incentive of A$450 (US$348) for workers who undergo Covid testing. With my health and the money in mind, I went to get tested under this program.
The Moritomo Gakuen school affair was the first of the major scandals that shook the government of Shinzo Abe beginning in February 2017. This a working timeline which the Shingetsu News Agency intends to fill out and update in the weeks and months ahead.
During a May 30 demonstration in front of central Tokyo’s JR Takadanobaba Station, my labor union, Tozen Union, called upon the Japanese government to overhaul its immigration system and to protect the human rights of foreigners.
Although Japan is commonly thought to have one of the lowest poverty rates among G7 nations, the actual figures tell a different story, puncturing a myth that remains dear to some Japanese conservatives and other observers.
Human Rights Watch has released a 43-page report that urges the Japanese government to revise what activists and experts call an “outdated” and “abusive” transgender recognition law.
While some voices are calling on Japan to consider the legalization of marijuana use, the government is currently weighing legislation to tighten the criminalization approach, even as it contemplates the possibility of more complex policies.
The Shingetsu News Agency presents our own provisional handbook on nomenclature for the Covid variants which have been confirmed to have reached Japan.
The government’s new Covid self-quarantine policies are providing yet another opportunity to demonstrate that the lives, livelihoods, and investments of foreigners don’t really count in Japan.
The list of moral and political reasons why Rahm Emanuel should not be appointed ambassador to Japan are more than a few, but at the very top of the list is that serving in Tokyo could offer him an excellent opportunity to rehabilitate his reputation, ensuring that this bad actor will return to more influential offices in the future.