Taro Katsura and the Taisho Political Crisis
In 1912-1913, Taro Katsura returned for a third and final term as prime minister, but rather than cool the embers of the Taisho Political Crisis, he unexpectedly pours fuel on the fire.
In 1912-1913, Taro Katsura returned for a third and final term as prime minister, but rather than cool the embers of the Taisho Political Crisis, he unexpectedly pours fuel on the fire.
From 1911-1912, aristocrat Saionji Kinmochi returned as prime minister of Japan. Although his government had strong public support, it soon found itself in a budget confrontation with the Imperial Army. Neither side was prepared to back down.
The ghost of Shinzo Abe’s political and financial corruption has again risen up to haunt his successors, staggering the already weak administration of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.
From 1908-1911, Taro Katsura led a second relatively long and stable administration of Japan. The most consequential event was his government’s decision to fully annex the Korean Peninsula, wiping out that neighboring nation’s independent legal existence.
Across the ideological spectrum, a consensus is emerging: Fumio Kishida is unlikely to last another year as prime minister, and even now, he is only lingering on because no credible and attractive alternative has appeared.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has been honored, together with South Korean President Yoon Suk-Yeol, with a John F. Kennedy “Profile in Courage Award,” despite the fact that he personally has been unwilling to take any political risks to improve Japan-South Korea relations.
From 1906-1908, aristocrat Kinmochi Saionji established the first stable government based on political party rule. Its leading achievement was to nationalize the country’s railroads and create the Japan National Railways system.
Both sides of the political spectrum are disappointed by the newly passed anti-LGBT discrimination law, but for different reasons.
Japan plans to massively increase its defense budget over the next four years, climbing into the ranks of the highest-funded national militaries. Depending on developments–and future currency exchange rates–there is even the possibility that Japan could soon rank as the No. 3 military in the world as measured by its budget.
From 1901-1906, Taro Katsura served a highly consequential term as prime minister which featured the emergence of a new generation to the top leadership post and a war which established Japan as a Great Power in international affairs.