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Category Archives: Politics

The Party of Hopeless

There is plenty of reason to believe that the Party of Hope, which is the second-largest opposition party in the House of Representatives, is not long for this world. However, it remains unclear at this moment where its collection of centrist and rightwing lawmakers will end up going.

A Revolt in the Nukaga Faction

The Nukaga Faction with its 55 lawmakers is the third largest of the ruling party’s factions. The turmoil could potentially have an impact on the Liberal Democratic Party presidential race in September, in which Shinzo Abe will seek an unprecedented third term against one or more challengers.

Political Finance and the Scandal Train

Whether it be the Lockheed Scandal of the 1970s, the Recruit Scandal of the 1980s, or the more recent misadventures that shook the Abe administration, such as the fall of prominent ministers Akira Amari and Yuko Obuchi, the issue of “money and politics” is a theme that runs like a steam train through the center of postwar Japanese political history.

The Abe School of Corruption

The Abe government’s electoral dominance over the opposition parties has transformed from an impressively stable administration into a veritable school of corruption.