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Category Archives: Environment

UN Decision Sparks Hope for Indigenous Groups

In a historic decision by the United Nations Human Rights Committee, the Australian government has been found to have violated the rights of its indigenous Torres Strait Islands populations by failing to protect them against climate change. This ruling could become a template for other indigenous groups around the world to secure their rights.

Flood Disasters Trigger Basement Housing Ban in Seoul

The proliferation of basement housing in Seoul, South Korea, has proven in recent years to make the city particularly vulnerable to flooding which results in loss of life and extensive property damage. The metropolitan government has pledged to act.

More Than 600 People Killed in Nigeria Floods

Nigerian officials revealed this weekend that catastrophic flooding has killed more than 600 people and displaced at least 1.3 million as a heavier-than-usual rain season—likely made more intense by the climate crisis—has been pummeling the nation for weeks.

UN Chief Blasts Morally Irresponsible PR Industry

During his wide-ranging plea for fundamental change delivered this week at the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres denounced public relations and advertising firms for enabling the fossil fuel pollution currently destroying the planet.

Keeping Up with the Carbon Criminals

As celebrities become increasingly vocal about their social activism and the fight against climate change, it is disappointing–though not at all surprising–to see how some of the most applauded idols of the Western world appear reluctant to practice what they preach.

UN Chief Warns Against “Sleepwalking” Toward Planetary Destruction

As the United Nations asked the world for US$160 million in response to catastrophic flooding in Pakistan, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also issued a broader warning about the human-caused climate emergency: “Let’s stop sleepwalking toward the destruction of our planet by climate change. Today, it’s Pakistan. Tomorrow, it could be your country.”