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All posts by Brian Hioe

Western Hyperbole Over a Taiwan War

Western experts and military officials continue to issue dates for a prospective China invasion of Taiwan. The latest such example is a prediction by US Air Force General Mike Minihan that a war will occur between the United States and China over Taiwan in 2025. This was written in a memo which was obtained by the news media.

Hongkongers Facing Challenges Gaining Taiwan Residency

Lam Wing-Kee, the only one of the Hong Kong Causeway Bay booksellers to remain free, applied for permanent residency in Taiwan last month on the basis of being a professional in arts and culture. While there is a good chance that his application will be accepted, some other Hongkongers are finding greater difficulty.

Inflexible Laws Hinder Taiwan Migrant Workers

The arrest of a 28-year-old Vietnamese migrant for working jobs unrelated to his original employment has drawn attention to the inability of migrant workers to take on part-time work and other forms of employment, even when their activities may benefit Taiwanese society.