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Monthly Archives: August 2018

Celebrating Eid ul Adha in Tokyo

This week Muslims across Japan celebrated the Islamic festival of Eid ul Adha which brought together people from many different ethnic groups. Near mosques, young children could be seen running around with their families, and friends enjoyed the occasion.

Hydrogen Cars Advance Japan’s Carbon-Free Agenda

An increase in hydrogen cars to create a “hydrogen society” has become among the most important of Japan’s technological objectives. In recent years, the advancement of the hydrogen industry has progressed significantly, introducing even more innovative ideas, including Toyota’s invention of fuel cell trucks and delivery vehicles.

Aging Population Cuts Labor Force

In recent years, the Japanese population has been decreasing significantly and this has brought about major difficulties related to a workforce shortage, and also leading to a reduction in GDP growth.

The Case Against Aegis Ashore

While the Abe administration presents Aegis Ashore as an essential and relatively uncontroversial contribution to the defense of Japan from the North Korean threat, in reality the deployment of this missile defense system risks further destabilizing the security situation in Northeast Asia, especially with regard to Russia.