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Caliph Mirza Masroor Ahmad Interview

SNA (Nagoya) — SNA’s exclusive interview with Caliph Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the global leader of the roughly 20 million strong Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, on the occasion of the opening of the Bait ul-Ahad Mosque near Nagoya.


Topic: On the significance of opening the first Ahmadiyya Mosque in Japan

Caliph Mirza Masroor Ahmad: It is just a milestone of our progress. So, this is the first mosque we have built here as we progress here in this country. We hope we shall build some more mosque as our community grows and it all depends on the members of the community as well. How do they behave, how the people see them and if this mosque is preaching the message of love, peace and harmony, actually people will be attracted towards it.

Topic: On the Ahmadiyya’s “living Islam” vs. the conventional “dead Islam”

Caliph Mirza Masroor Ahmad: It is a common thought of among Muslims, other Muslims, that now the attribute of God of revealing to his chosen people has stopped, but we say that you cannot restrict the attributes of God or you cannot [unclear] God, the Allah, the Almighty, the Omnipotent, that he cannot do this single, you can do this thing, or he used to do something in the past and he cannot do it now. We say still he has the power to talk to his chosen [unclear] once and that is called in Islamic terminology wahi, revelation. And we believe that the attribute of revealing his message to somebody, you know, that is still working.

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