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Tag Archives: Bernie Sanders

Progressives Demand Biden Go Big for Green New Deal

Progressives elected to the US Congress joined grassroots climate action leaders from across the country on Thursday at a rally outside the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters in Washington DC, demanding that President-Elect Joe Biden “be brave” and work to pass a bold agenda aimed at combating the climate crisis.

Fascists Would Win a New US Civil War

Since the 1990s, US society has been drawing into two broad camps, which for simplicity’s sake we will call the Reds and the Blues. This year, the polarization between them has reached a new level of passion and intensity. If this polarization descends entirely into a civil war—and the November 2020 elections could very well be a trigger for such a scenario—history suggests that the initial victory would be decisively in favor of the Red fascists.

Why Are Japanese Millennials Voting Against Their Own Interests?

Since Shinzo Abe stormed back into power in December 2012, he and his Liberal Democratic Party have been able to count upon Japanese millennials as a steady and reliable support base. But the Liberal Democratic Party espouses stances on a variety of issues which run directly counter to millennials’ interests, hopes and beliefs.