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Tag Archives: Atlantic Ocean

Scientists Alarmed Over Iceless Arctic Sea

Climate scientists and activists responded with alarm to reporting that this is the latest date in recorded history that the main nursery of Arctic sea ice in Siberia has yet to start freezing, another example of the present-day consequences of human-caused global warming.

Shinzo Abe’s “Way Forward” Is Step Backwards Towards Whaling

The Abe administration has called for the end of the whaling ban imposed by the International Whaling Commission in 1986. Instead, the government has proposed its “Way Forward” initiative, hoping to gain the support of other pro-whaling nations. A meeting taking place in Brazil this week will be discussing this topic with member states.

1982 Falklands War: Seven Lessons for Japan

June 14 marked the anniversary of the end of the 1982 Falklands conflict. At that time Japan was serving a two-year period as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council and was thus involved to a limited degree on the diplomatic side of the conflict. This was still the time of the Cold War, rapid Japanese economic growth, and an era where some of the territorial disputes currently making headlines in Asia were still dormant.